Got Injured Going to Work? What You Should Do

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  • Seek immediate medical attention for injuries incurred during commutes or on the job.
  • Informing employers of an injury provides access to medical care, financial support, legal protection, and prevention tactics.
  • Follow up with healthcare providers regarding necessary treatments and therapies.
  • Focus on recovery efforts while understanding the incident’s potential physical, emotional, financial, and legal ramifications.
  • Prioritize health and safety when dealing with any trauma or distress caused by an on-the-job accident.

Getting injured going to work is an unfortunate and sometimes devastating event. Over 2.6 million nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses were reported by employers in 2021, in the United States alone. On top of that, statistics from the National Safety Council show that an average of 14 people a day are killed while traveling to or from work.

These numbers demonstrate how dangerous it can be for individuals to travel for work daily. With long commutes, heavy traffic, and hazardous working conditions all posing potential risks daily, workers must take extra precautions to ensure their safety when returning.

However, you must also know what to do when you get injured, mainly when the injury occurs on the job. Here are some steps to take if you experience an injury while traveling to work:

Seek Immediate Medical Attention

Following an injury, seeking medical attention as soon as possible is imperative. Not only does seeing a doctor or professional medical help assess the injury’s severity and identify any potential long-term effects, but it can also help protect workers from further harm. Delaying medical treatment could cause an initial injury to worsen, leading to more severe and debilitating health issues down the line. Furthermore, seeking medical care helps to document evidence that can be important when filing a workers’ compensation claim or personal injury lawsuit.

In addition to ensuring you receive proper medical attention for your injuries, it is also essential to follow up with your healthcare provider afterward about any necessary follow-up treatments or therapies. This may include physical therapy, occupational therapy, counseling services, or medication, depending upon the nature and severity of the injury. Following these instructions will ensure you can get back on your feet as quickly as possible while minimizing the risk of further harm or disability.

It is worth noting that many employers have workers’ compensation programs that can provide financial assistance for related medical bills and lost wages due to an on-the-job injury. Filing a claim promptly following an incident can ensure you receive coverage for all relevant costs associated with returning to good health after experiencing an injury at work.

Inform the Employer About the Accident


Informing the employer about an injury while traveling to work can help individuals in several ways. When employers are notified quickly following an incident, they can take steps to protect other employees and prevent similar injuries from occurring in the future.

Here are four key benefits of informing your employer after experiencing an injury while traveling:

Access to Medical Care

Letting your employer know about an injury can help you get immediate medical care and necessary treatment. Most employers have workers’ compensation programs to cover any costs associated with medical bills or related treatments and therapies – such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, counseling services, or medications.

Financial Support

Notifying your employer of an on-the-job injury can also help you access financial support for lost wages due to missed work days. Depending upon the severity of the damage and its impact on productivity, you may be eligible for partial compensation if you cannot return right away or require additional time off for further recovery efforts.

Legal Protection

Informing your employer of the injury is essential when filing a workers’ compensation claim or personal injury lawsuit down the line as well. Alerting them immediately helps create a documented helpful record when seeking legal action against another party responsible for the incident. In some cases, it may even be possible for employers to cover costs resulting from legal proceedings related to employee injuries if necessary, especially your experienced personal injury attorney.

Prevention Tactics

Lastly, notifying your employer about any injuries makes it so they can proactively take safety measures in the future that will protect other employees from getting hurt in similar ways during their daily commutes or at work. This could include implementing new policies regarding safe onsite practices or improving the technology staff use to aid their efforts towards more excellent safety (e.g., installing AI-powered cameras inside warehouses).

Focus on Recovery

Man with Bandage on Foot

Above all, it is essential to remember that your health and safety should always come first. Once you alerted the necessary parties and ensured you have access to all the required medical care, your focus should shift to recovery efforts. Make sure to follow through with any doctor’s orders regarding treatments or therapies, listen closely to recommendations from physical therapists, and understand how mental health counseling can help alleviate symptoms of distress following an injury.

It is also vital to give yourself time for rest to regain full strength – pushing yourself too hard too soon may cause further harm or exacerbate existing damage. With patience and persistence, however, most workers can fully recover after experiencing an on-the-job injury while traveling.

Final Thoughts

Injuries incurred while traveling to or from work can be devastating and life-altering. Ultimately, understanding how to act following an on-the-job accident can make a difference when dealing with the potential physical, emotional, financial, and legal repercussions of any related trauma or distress. Taking action accordingly should give workers the peace of mind of knowing they have done what they could to ensure their safety and welfare post-injury.


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